God is raising up new warriors
As Christians it's so easy to get caught up in the "I'm with the band" mentality and neglect people outside the church walls unless we are so called "Evangelizing". God is raising up new warriors. People that have been through "Something". People that have lied, cheated, stolen, fornicated, robbed, killed and etc. People like Paul, Moses, and David. The church folk have become stale, closed minded, Critical, condescending and judgmental instead of walking like Jesus did. In love, compassion, and empathy. An attitude that says "I'm just like you. But for the grace of God go I. But I have often thought about doing what you've done but didn't have the courage".
Even when you are so called "Witnessing" you have a condescending mentality as if you are saving someone and looking out for some poor wretched soul. That was not the intent of Jesus. He approached people from a place that said "I understand, I struggle as well. We need to take inventory not only of our behavior, but of our thought life as well". He struggled with going to the cross even though he knew it was Gods will for him.
There are many "Bad" things that I have never done, but I've thought about doing quite a few. My "Spiritual" nature didn't always stop me from doing these things. Sometimes it was merely fear of being exposed, being caught, fear of humiliation, or not wanting to tarnish my reputation. But if I could do some of things and no one would know, I probably would have.
Jesus said the sin lies in the thought. So if we approach people with this mentality, that we are all sinners then it's easy to move in love, compassion, and empathy instead of pity.
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